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Northern Highbush Blueberry /Vaccinium Corymbosum/
Available varieties:
- Hannah's Choice
- Eliot
- Sierra
- Elizabeth
- Blue Crop
- Blue gold
- Nelson
- Bonus
Northern Highbush blueberries are well known for their valuable berries. They also contain a lot of important substances for health, such as soluble fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants (chlorogenic acid, beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, etc.). Berries are juicy, color from light blue to almost black. Contains a lot of small seeds.
Northern Highbush blueberries prefer nutrient-rich, moist and acidic (pH range 4.5-5.5) soils, clayey soils that are sufficiently loose and improved with acid sphagnum, leaf humus or compost are most suitable.